Menopause And Weight Gain! Why Am I Gaining Weight So Fast During Menopause?

When women reach menopause, one complete year without a period, they may notice changes in their mental and physical well-being.

  • They may experience mood changes, increased stress, hot flashes, and difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.

  • Irritability and lack of sleep can lead to indulging in unhealthy eating habits and increased caloric intake.

  • Aging, slowing of metabolism, and decreased activity may directly affect weight gain and loss of muscle mass.

  • Women who experience weight gain after menopause see their midriff expanding beyond their comfort level.

Want to get rid of the menopause muffin top?

  1. Work on consuming healthy, balanced meals, limiting portion size, and avoiding overeating when emotionally stressed.

    - The Mediterranean Diet consists of healthy food choices that may aid in preventing metabolic and cardiovascular diseases in the post-menopausal period.

    -Consult a Registered Dietician for added guidance in meal planning.

  2. Get physically active.

    -Weight-bearing exercise of at least 150 minutes per week can help maintain muscle mass and reduce the extra caloric intake.

    -Incorporate strength training into your exercise routine to help strengthen muscles and bones. Work with a trainer, go to a gym class, or find a lightweight workout you can do at home.

  3. Work on behavioral therapy to reduce the emotional tug-of-war of added stresses and the urge to overeat. Seek help from a therapist when unable to manage on your own.

    When you gain weight, the risk of certain diseases may increase, including Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and High Cholesterol. See your Health Care Provider, stay current on wellness exams, and continue eating healthy and exercising.


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